May: Emerald

May: Emerald


Emerald is a beautiful and nurturing stone that holds the power of love, hope, and rebirth. This stunning gemstone brings a sense of calm and balance to your life, surrounding you in its soothing energy. By enhancing your intuition and boosting your memory, this emerald necklace helps you find clarity and navigate life's twists and turns with confidence. It's like having a lucky charm that fills your heart with optimism and opens doors to new opportunities. Wear this necklace as a reminder of your inner strength and all that awaits you. Let it uplift your spirit and inspire you to embrace each day with joy and renewed hope.

18 inch sterling silver necklace. Comes with custom illustrated crystal meaning card and a muslin storage pouch.

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September: Agate

September: Agate

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July: Ruby

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April: Herkimer Diamond

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August: Peridot

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March: Aquamarine
